Mey van Streefkerk, Frances M. de
- Title
- Frances M. de Mey van Streefkerk
- Author
- Mey van Streefkerk, Frances M. de
- Profession
- Translator
- Biographical details
Possibly related to the prominent Dutch De Mey family.
She lived in Florence where part of her family was residing, she dedicated her translation to two nephews "Francesco and Federigo young citizens of Dante's city".
She was a subscriber of the Gabinetto Vieusseux and the record shows that in December 1882 she was staying at Madame Laurent, 28 via Maggio. - Libro dei Soci: abbonamenti 1820-1889
The only biographical evidence comes from her "note by the translator" in which she recounted how she came to the Vita nova.
"In May, some seven years ago [1895], on my return to England after a sojourn of thirteen months in Italy, several of which were spent in Dante's city, I found mysself among the pinewoods of Ashdown Forest [East Sussex]. Reading one day, or rather trying to spell out the meaning of the "Vita nuova [...] I felt impelled to render my interpretation in my mother tongue'. - Selected publications
- (1902). The Vita nuova, or, New life of Dante Alighieri. London. G. Bell and sons.
- The Vita nuova, or, New life of Dante Alighieri
- Relation
- Anglophone women writers
Linked resources
- Resource class
- Person
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