Url https://modernbeatricesarchive.warwick.ac.uk/s/dante-s-female-public/item/4535 Resource class bibo:Book Title Verhalen uit Dante (Stories from Dante - Dutch edn) Creator 4534 1143 illustrator H. M. Leopold, translator Publisher W. J. Thieme & Cie Date 1924 Type 4356 4355 4330 Language Dutch Rights Original from Biblioteca del Centro Dantesco (RA) https://mint-shrew.lnx.warwick.ac.uk/s/dante-s-female-public/page/MTT Images acquired by Francesca Sartori Table Of Contents / door Susan Cunnington ; voor nederland bewerkt door H. M. Leopold ; met gekleurde platen van Evelyn Paul Extent 264 p., [16] c. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. Spatial Coverage Zutphen Temporal Coverage 3485 3480 Provenance Biblioteca del Centro dantesco - Ravenna (RA) Number of volumes 1 ShortDescription 3601 --