Url https://modernbeatricesarchive.warwick.ac.uk/s/dante-s-female-public/item/5091 Resource class bibo:Book Title "The Divine Comedy and Faust" Creator 5204 Subject https://archive.org/details/cu31924026179691/page/n111/mode/2up?q=dant&view=theater "The Divine Comedy and Faust" - Archive.org Publisher S. C. Griggs & Co. Date 1887 Type 4342 4312 Language 2395 Table Of Contents in Poetry and philosophy of Goethe; comprising the lectures and extempore discussions before the Milwaukee literary school in August, (1886), pp. 99-137. Spatial Coverage Chicago Temporal Coverage 3482 3481 Number of volumes 1 ShortDescription 3601 Source date 5562 --