Url https://modernbeatricesarchive.warwick.ac.uk/s/dante-s-female-public/item/5140 Resource class bibo:Book Title "The 'Paradise' of Dante, introductory cantos" Creator 5194 Subject https://archive.org/details/sim_poet-lore_1895_7_1-12/page/398/mode/2up E. M. Mitchell, "The 'Paradise' of Dante, introductory cantos" in Poet-lore, vol. VII, Aug-Sept 1895, pp. 399-405 - Archive.org Digitised by Archive.org Date Aug.-Sept. 1895 Type 4346 Language 2395 Table Of Contents in Poet-lore, vol. VII, Aug-Sept 1895, pp. 399-405 Temporal Coverage 3482 3481 ShortDescription 3602 Source date 5562 --