Leith, Emily
- Title
- Emily Leith
- Author
- Leith, Emily
- Place of origin
- Calcutta
- Country of origin
- India
- Language
- English
- Profession
- Poet
- Biographical details
- AUTHOR of Thoughts and Remembrances a volume of poems evincing wealth of fancy and much ease and freshness comes of an ancient Aberdeenshire family She is the third daughter of John Farley Leith Esq QC of the English Bar and Bencher of the Middle Temple late Member of Parliament for the City of Aberdeen Miss Leith was born in Calcutta where her father was then practising at the Bar as a leading Counsel She has been a frequent contributor of poems to various magazines and newspapers under the signature of EL and her volume of poems which has been very favourably received was published by Messrs David Bryce & Son Glasgow in 1885 The printer and publisher have with conspicuous taste and success aided her efforts to provide a little work that will be prized not only by the ordinary reader but by the cultured and scholarly as well Her thoughts evince natural tenderness meditative imagi nation and genuine poetical feeling expressed in pure and graceful language
- D. H. Edwards - Modern Scottish Poets With Biographical and Critical Notices - Google Books
- Selected publications
- 1885. Thoughts and Remembrance. Verses (Glasgow : David Bryce)
Linked resources
"Dante and Beatrice"
- Resource class
- Person
E. Leith - Place of birth
Item: Leith, Emily
Part of Leith, Emily
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