Rediscover the lives of Italian, British, Irish and American women writing on Dante in the long Nineteenth century. Trace the evolution of their literary careers, uncover the challenges they faced in a patriarchal society, and appreciate the diverse range of voices and perspectives that have enriched the landscape of Dante reception history between the early 1800s and the 1920s.
The Modern Beatrices Archive is a biographical dictionary where each entry provides a nuanced exploration of women's lives, incorporating both structured and unstructured data.
The biographical narratives offer a rich tapestry of their journeys, contextualized within the broader cultural milieu in which they lived and worked.
The descriptive metadata enriches the profiles, providing depth, meaning, and context to their experiences as women pursued the creative rewriting, critical reading and academic study of Dante and his oeuvre as a legitimate territory of professional endeavour.
Adopting such descriptors will enable different views on the data through graphs, charts, and tree maps; GIS mapping and network analysis technologies.